0161 941 2631

Why buy genuine JCB parts?

We only supply genuine parts to ensure your machine: is maintained to recommended manufacturers’ specification, continues to operate at optimum performance levels and retains the highest resale value. Genuine JCB parts are backed by up to 12 months’ full warranty when fitted by a Gunn JCB service engineer, so check out our service packages for great value maintenance offers. Our genuine JCB parts are designed to work in perfect harmony with your machine for optimum performance and productivity.

The videos below show: the importance of using genuine JCB parts; the tests on our JCB parts to show how well they would perform compared to non-genuine JCB parts; and the consequences of using low cost, low quality parts with inadequate performance.

Why buy JCB grease?

Why buy JCB gear and transmission oil?

Why buy JCB engine oil?

Why buy JCB hydraullic fluid?

Why buy JCB air filters?

Why buy JCB fuel and oil filters?

For more information or if you would like to order any parts, please email enquiries@gunn-jcb.co.uk or contact your nearest depot.